POST   checks

Gets a list of checks that are visible to you as a user or a customer depending on the request context.


The default context for the route is the user context. To enable customer context (if it's allowed for the user) use the request query parameter customer_context=1.

Filtering by Tags

Checks can be filtered on the check 'tags', using tag 'key' and/or 'value'. Tilde '~' is used to indicate values. Multiple values are separated with semicolon ';'. Example: Environment~Dev;Prod (Key: 'Environment', Values: 'Dev' and 'Prod').

You can provide the tag key only (all checks with that key) or only the value (all checks with that value in any key). Examples: Environment (key); ~Dev (value).

You can use the tag or key ID, by adding a '.' (period) before the ID. Examples: .4568~Prod (Tag key ID:'4568', value 'Prod'); Environment~.6985 (Tag key: 'Environment', value ID:'6985').


The interval_seconds field defines the frequency that the check will run. If its value equals 0 the check will run in manual mode.


Returns list of basic check info or extended check info for some check types (see GET checks/{checkId} route for extended check info examples and descriptions).

Request example and description

curl --request POST "" --header "Content-Type: application/json" --data-raw "{
  \"filter\": {
    \"check_ids\": [
    \"include_tag\": [
    \"exclude_tag\": [
    \"enabled\": true,
    \"severity\": \"I\",
    \"include_tag_op\": \"and\"
NameType Required Description
filter Object No

The filter section defines the criteria for selecting checks.

check_ids Array No

The 'check_ids' parameter defines which checks to include in the response.

include_tag Array No

The 'include_tag' parameter defines which checks to include in the response, by filtering on the check 'tags' (see the Filtering by Tags section in Remarks for details).

exclude_tag Array No

The 'exclude_tag' parameter defines which checks to exclude from the response, by filtering on the check 'tags' (see the Filtering by Tags section in Remarks for details).

enabled Boolean No

Determines which checks to include in the response. If true, only enabled checks will be included in the response. Type: boolean. Example: true.

severity String No

Uses severity to select which check results to include in the response: 'I','W','E','F'. Type: string. Examples: "IEWF", "EF", "W".

include_tag_op String No

AND/OR mode for including tags. Allowed values: 'or', 'and'. Default value: 'or'.

Response body model example and description

The basic check info

    "id": 12345,
    "guid": "e99ff7fb-d614-4518-9de2-9a9cedad6090",
    "name": "Check name",
    "description": "Check Description",
    "check_type": "FprXnet",
    "check_type_name": "Real Browser, Chrome",
    "check_type_api": "browser",
    "enabled": true,
    "location": "Sweden, Stockholm",
    "location_code": "public|",
    "country_code": "SE",
    "sla_percent_current_month": 99.0,
    "timestamp_utc": "2025-02-22T14:18:31",
    "severity": "I",
    "value": 100,
    "unit": "ms",
    "target_sla": 99.0,
    "target_sla_2": 99.0,
    "check_symbol": "N926_M77144_C76783_CMD_20150724_091538_003",
    "threshold_w": 10000,
    "threshold_w_dynamic": {
      "baseline_measure": "std",
      "baseline_period_h": 1,
      "factor": 1.0,
      "offset": 1
    "threshold_e": 20000,
    "threshold_e_dynamic": null,
    "threshold_lo_w": 10000,
    "threshold_lo_w_dynamic": {
      "baseline_measure": "mdn",
      "baseline_period_h": 1,
      "factor": 1.0,
      "offset": 1
    "threshold_lo_e": 20000,
    "threshold_lo_e_dynamic": null,
    "scheduled_inclusion": "mon-fri: 05:00-24:00;sat-sun: 08:00-16:00",
    "scheduled_exclusion": "sat-sun: 16:00-20:00",
    "interval_seconds": 300,
    "last_result_details": {
      "message": "Result message",
      "attempts": 3,
      "result_code": 0
    "tags": {
      "Environment": [
      "Region": [
    "port": 1,
    "acceptedCodes": "sample string 1",
    "secureProtocolVersion": "sample string 2",
    "Timezone": 1,
    "scenario_filename": "sample string 3",
    "scenario_file_type": "sample string 4",
    "max_attempts": 1,
    "attempt_pause": 1,
    "check_fail_severity": "F",
    "collect_ticks": true,
    "monitor_groups_ids": [
    "concurrent_users": 1,
    "test_duration": 60,
    "request_timeout": 60,
    "startup_delay": 7,
    "max_loops": 8,
    "statistics_sampling_interval": 9,
    "max_error_snapshot": 10,
    "percurlopt": 11,
    "additional_options": "sample string 12",
    "verify_ping": "sample string 13",
    "verify_port": "sample string 14",
    "verify_dns": "sample string 15"
    "id": 12345,
    "guid": "e99ff7fb-d614-4518-9de2-9a9cedad6090",
    "name": "Check name",
    "description": "Check Description",
    "check_type": "FprXnet",
    "check_type_name": "Real Browser, Chrome",
    "check_type_api": "browser",
    "enabled": true,
    "location": "Sweden, Stockholm",
    "location_code": "public|",
    "country_code": "SE",
    "sla_percent_current_month": 99.0,
    "timestamp_utc": "2025-02-22T14:18:31",
    "severity": "F",
    "value": 100,
    "unit": "ms",
    "target_sla": 99.0,
    "target_sla_2": 99.0,
    "check_symbol": "N926_M77144_C76783_CMD_20150724_091538_003",
    "threshold_w": 10000,
    "threshold_w_dynamic": {
      "baseline_measure": "std",
      "baseline_period_h": 1,
      "factor": 1.0,
      "offset": 1
    "threshold_e": 20000,
    "threshold_e_dynamic": null,
    "threshold_lo_w": 10000,
    "threshold_lo_w_dynamic": {
      "baseline_measure": "std",
      "baseline_period_h": 1,
      "factor": 1.0,
      "offset": 1
    "threshold_lo_e": 20000,
    "threshold_lo_e_dynamic": null,
    "scheduled_inclusion": "mon-fri: 05:00-24:00;sat-sun: 08:00-16:00",
    "scheduled_exclusion": "sat-sun: 16:00-20:00",
    "interval_seconds": 300,
    "last_result_details": {
      "message": "Result message",
      "attempts": 3,
      "result_code": 0
    "tags": {
      "Environment": [
      "Region": [
    "port": 1,
    "acceptedCodes": "sample string 1",
    "secureProtocolVersion": "sample string 2",
    "Timezone": 1,
    "scenario_filename": "sample string 3",
    "scenario_file_type": "sample string 4",
    "max_attempts": 1,
    "attempt_pause": 1,
    "check_fail_severity": "F",
    "collect_ticks": true,
    "monitor_groups_ids": [
    "concurrent_users": 1,
    "test_duration": 60,
    "request_timeout": 60,
    "startup_delay": 7,
    "max_loops": 8,
    "statistics_sampling_interval": 9,
    "max_error_snapshot": 10,
    "percurlopt": 11,
    "additional_options": "sample string 12",
    "verify_ping": "sample string 13",
    "verify_port": "sample string 14",
    "verify_dns": "sample string 15"
    "id": 12345,
    "guid": "e99ff7fb-d614-4518-9de2-9a9cedad6090",
    "name": "Check name",
    "description": "Check Description",
    "check_type": "FprXnet",
    "check_type_name": "Real Browser, Chrome",
    "check_type_api": "browser",
    "enabled": true,
    "location": "Sweden, Stockholm",
    "location_code": "public|",
    "country_code": "SE",
    "sla_percent_current_month": 99.0,
    "timestamp_utc": "2025-02-22T14:18:31",
    "severity": "I",
    "value": 100,
    "unit": "ms",
    "target_sla": 99.0,
    "target_sla_2": 99.0,
    "check_symbol": "N926_M77144_C76783_CMD_20150724_091538_003",
    "threshold_w": 10000,
    "threshold_w_dynamic": {
      "baseline_measure": "std",
      "baseline_period_h": 1,
      "factor": 1.0,
      "offset": 1
    "threshold_e": 20000,
    "threshold_e_dynamic": null,
    "threshold_lo_w": 10000,
    "threshold_lo_w_dynamic": {
      "baseline_measure": "std",
      "baseline_period_h": 1,
      "factor": 1.0,
      "offset": 1
    "threshold_lo_e": 20000,
    "threshold_lo_e_dynamic": null,
    "scheduled_inclusion": "mon-fri: 05:00-24:00;sat-sun: 08:00-16:00",
    "scheduled_exclusion": "sat-sun: 16:00-20:00",
    "interval_seconds": 300,
    "last_result_details": {
      "message": "Result message",
      "attempts": 3,
      "result_code": 0
    "tags": {
      "Environment": [
      "Region": [
    "port": 1,
    "acceptedCodes": "sample string 1",
    "secureProtocolVersion": "sample string 2",
    "Timezone": 1,
    "scenario_filename": "sample string 3",
    "scenario_file_type": "sample string 4",
    "max_attempts": 1,
    "attempt_pause": 1,
    "check_fail_severity": "F",
    "collect_ticks": true,
    "monitor_groups_ids": [
    "concurrent_users": 1,
    "test_duration": 60,
    "request_timeout": 60,
    "startup_delay": 7,
    "max_loops": 8,
    "statistics_sampling_interval": 9,
    "max_error_snapshot": 10,
    "percurlopt": 11,
    "additional_options": "sample string 12",
    "verify_ping": "sample string 13",
    "verify_port": "sample string 14",
    "verify_dns": "sample string 15"
NameType Description
id Integer

The numeric identifier of the check.

guid String

The check GUID.

name String

The check descriptor.

description String

The check description.

check_type String

The check type.

check_type_name String

The check type name.

check_type_api String

The check type alias in API.

enabled Boolean

Indicates whether the check is enabled or not.

location String

The title of the check location.

location_code String

The check run location.

country_code String

The country code in 2 digit ISO format.

sla_percent_current_month Float

The SLA of the check in the current month.

timestamp_utc DateTime

The last check result timestamp in UTC. (Null if no result is found.)

severity String

The last check result severity. Available values: 'I', 'W', 'E', 'F', 'U'. 'U' if no result is found.

value Integer

The last check result value. (Null if no result is found.)

unit String

The unit of measure for the last check result. (Null if no result is found.)

target_sla Float

The target SLA of the check.

target_sla_2 Float

The target SLA 2nd of the check.

check_symbol String

The check symbol. Some inernal identity of the check.

threshold_w Integer

The value of high warning threshold (null if no threshold is specified).

threshold_w_dynamic Object

The object for configuring dynamic calculation of high warning threshold. If the object is null it means the threshold is constant.

baseline_measure String

The baseline for calculating dynamic threshold. Available values: 'avg', 'mdn', 'std'.

baseline_period_h Integer

The period in hours for calculation depending on the specified baseline.

factor Float

The percentage of the average/median return value or standard deviation of the return value.

offset Integer

The period's offset in hours.

threshold_e Integer

The value of high error threshold (null if no threshold is specified).

threshold_e_dynamic Object

The object for configuring dynamic calculation of high error threshold. If the object is null it means the threshold is constant.

baseline_measure String

The baseline for calculating dynamic threshold. Available values: 'avg', 'mdn', 'std'.

baseline_period_h Integer

The period in hours for calculation depending on the specified baseline.

factor Float

The percentage of the average/median return value or standard deviation of the return value.

offset Integer

The period's offset in hours.

threshold_lo_w Integer

The value of low warning threshold (null if no threshold is specified).

threshold_lo_w_dynamic Object

The object for configuring dynamic calculation of low warning threshold. If the object is null it means the threshold is constant.

baseline_measure String

The baseline for calculating dynamic threshold. Available values: 'avg', 'mdn', 'std'.

baseline_period_h Integer

The period in hours for calculation depending on the specified baseline.

factor Float

The percentage of the average/median return value or standard deviation of the return value.

offset Integer

The period's offset in hours.

threshold_lo_e Integer

The value of low error threshold (null if no threshold is specified).

threshold_lo_e_dynamic Object

The object for configuring dynamic calculation of low error threshold. If the object is null it means the threshold is constant.

baseline_measure String

The baseline for calculating dynamic threshold. Available values: 'avg', 'mdn', 'std'.

baseline_period_h Integer

The period in hours for calculation depending on the specified baseline.

factor Float

The percentage of the average/median return value or standard deviation of the return value.

offset Integer

The period's offset in hours.

scheduled_inclusion String

Defines specific day/time ranges when the check will run.

scheduled_exclusion String

Defines specific day/time ranges when the check will not run.

interval_seconds Integer

The frequency of running check in seconds. If the value equals 0 it means the check runs manually.

last_result_details Object

Contains details about the last check result.

message String

The result message.

attempts Integer

The number of attempts to get the result.

result_code Integer

The result code.

tags Object

Check tags.

port Integer

Proxy TCP/IP port number.

acceptedCodes String

Accepted codes. Default value is 200.

secureProtocolVersion String

Secure protocol version.

Timezone Integer

Timezone where check will run

scenario_filename String

No documentation available.

scenario_file_type String

No documentation available.

max_attempts Integer

The max number of attempts that can be made to verify the results.

attempt_pause Integer

Between every attempt there will be an Attempt Pause before the next attempt is performed. Milliseconds.

check_fail_severity String

No documentation available.

collect_ticks Boolean

No documentation available.

Arg String

No documentation available.

monitor_groups_ids Array

ID of monitor groups in which a check will be included.

concurrent_users Integer

Available values: 1, 2, 3, 5, 10, 15, 20.

test_duration Integer

Seconds. Available values: 15, 30, 45, 60, 120, 180, 300, 360.

request_timeout Integer

Seconds. Available values: 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 120.

startup_delay Integer

Milliseconds. Available values: 1, 2, 3, 5, 10, 20, 30, 50, 100, 200.

max_loops Integer

Available values: 0, 1, 2, 3, 5, 10, 20, 40. 0 means unlimited.

statistics_sampling_interval Integer

Seconds. Available values: 10, 15, 30, 60, 120, 180, 240, 300.

max_error_snapshot Integer

Maximum number of statistic error snapshots per URL (Advanced Usage). Available values: 1, 2, 3.

percurlopt Integer

0 = No extra URL data. 1 = Extra performance data per individual request. 2 = Store Request Headers. 5 = Store Response Headers. 7 = Store both Request & Response headers.

additional_options String

Additional Options

verify_ping String

Verify Ping

verify_port String

Verify Port

verify_dns String

Verify DNS