GET   scenarios/zebratester/{scenario_id}?include_associated_check_ids={include_associated_check_ids}

Gets info about a ZebraTester scenario.

URL Parameters


ZebraTester scenario identifier. Type: numeric.


(Optional) Indicates whether identifiers of the associated checks should be included in the response. By default, they are not included and the corresponding property of the response is null. Type: boolean. Example: true. Default value: false.

Request example

curl --request GET ""

Response body model example and description

ZebraTester scenario info

  "id": 1,
  "original_filename": "sample string 2",
  "zebratester_version": "sample string 3",
  "class_name": "sample string 4",
  "compiled_as_zip": true,
  "created_utc": "2025-02-22T13:54:47",
  "updated_utc": "2025-02-22T13:54:47",
  "associated_check_ids": [
  "scenario_compilation_logs": [
      "Id": 1,
      "ScenarioId": 2,
      "ScenarioCompiledFileId": 1,
      "TimestampUtc": "2025-02-22T13:54:47",
      "Message": "sample string 4",
      "UserGuid": "e85acec4-ba74-442d-ba08-77a967bdc609"
      "Id": 1,
      "ScenarioId": 2,
      "ScenarioCompiledFileId": 1,
      "TimestampUtc": "2025-02-22T13:54:47",
      "Message": "sample string 4",
      "UserGuid": "e24861da-69fe-4022-af4f-333bae4d6f9d"
      "Id": 1,
      "ScenarioId": 2,
      "ScenarioCompiledFileId": 1,
      "TimestampUtc": "2025-02-22T13:54:47",
      "Message": "sample string 4",
      "UserGuid": "50a402a1-0ca9-47c4-a59a-7c2468364ad3"
NameType Description
id Integer

The scenario's numeric identifier.

original_filename String

The original filename.

zebratester_version String

The version of ZebraTester.

class_name String

The scenario class name.

compiled_as_zip Boolean

The scenario is compiled as ZIP.

created_utc DateTime

The time at which the scenario was created.

updated_utc DateTime

The last time at which the scenario was updated.

associated_check_ids Array

The list of identifiers of the checks which are associated with the scenario.

scenario_compilation_logs Array

Compilation Logs generated during scenario compilation

Id Integer

No documentation available.

ScenarioId Integer

No documentation available.

ScenarioCompiledFileId Integer

No documentation available.

TimestampUtc DateTime

No documentation available.

Message String

No documentation available.

UserGuid Guid

No documentation available.